Tertangkapnya Penjenayah yang licik


Tertangkapnya penjenayah yang licik menceritakan kisah yang berlaku kepada seorang kanak-kanak yang bernama Anisah, 9 tahun. Anisah telah dilarikan oleh seorang Nenek di pasar malam ketika bersiar-si ...

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Terus Mencintaimu

by Eliza AB

Kebencian Hanif Qairin menjentik tangkai hati Ery. Ditambah dengan apa yang terjadi kepada Haidar Qairen membuatkan dia berasa bersalah. Akibat satu peristiwa, dia pergi membawa diri. Menghilangkan di ...

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The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers

by Meg Meeker, M. D.

”Sekiranya kita sanggup bersusah payah menolak lapan kilogram tembikai melalui bukaan sebesar lapan inci, kita boleh melakukan apa sahaja yang kita mahukan. Apa sahaja.” Kita akan belaj ...

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by Sharifah Zannierah Syed Marzuki, Wan Kalthom Yahya

Offers a new dimension to the halal industry as the chapters cover various aspects from marketing, food tourism, economics, internal marketing, corporate governance, accounting, hospitality to halal c ...

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The Flame of the North

by Anna Tan

Ten-year-old Mica hates the cold. Yet he’s bound by duty—and prophecy—to rule over the City of Winter as his grandfather’s heir. All signs seem to indicate that something is wrong and the reap ...

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The Flintstones Management : Find Out How Compassion and Integrity Can Boost Your Organisation

by Ambrin Buang, Leow Chee Seng

The Flintstones Management helps managers to manage an organisation in a humane way. It is important to understand the balance between human governance and corporate governance. The concepts of profes ...

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The Gospel according to Luke: For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost

by Dr Andrew C S Koh

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The Imposter Syndrome – Myth or Truth

by Jozsef Piller

I like to be high performance. I like to create new things, work hard and see the results. The journey on the road can, however, be quite rough. It looks like, my brain ghosts want to take over. My co ...

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