by Yahya Mohd Aripin, Kadhim Jawad Obaid, Mohd Zamrin Dimon

Physical Examination of Surgical Short Cases is the initial clinical assessment on surgical patients, consisting of a set of clinical tests performed over five to 10 minutes in order to come to a diag ...

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Pilu Tanpamu

by Muna Mahira

Amra Aleesa, puteri yang ditatang di atas dulang emas. Hidup dalam kemewahan. Tak pernah merasa susah. Permergian Dato’ Alif tak mudah untuk diterima. Lalu kesumat mula beraja di hati. Pemerg ...

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by Anuar Shah

Shahrom seorang peminjam. Shahrom boleh pinjam apa saja. Jarang orang tahu Shahrom telah meminjam daripada mereka. Kebolehan Shahrom meminjam telah diasah sejak dari kecil lagi. Mula-mula barang yang ...

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Politik Muslim dan Demokrasi di Malaysia: Anjakan, Pertemuan dan Landasan Baru Persaingan Politik

by Syed Ahmad Hussein

"Politik Muslim, dalam erti kata persaingan ke atas interpretasi simbol dan untuk mengawal institusi-institusi yang melahir dan mendukungnya, diwakili semenjak dekad 1970-an oleh persaingan antara eli ...

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Politik Suara Rakyat

by Ishak Saat

Buku Politik “Suara Rakyat” cuba menyingkap peranan akhbar Suara Rakyat dalam pertubuhan politik. Ia memaparkan pengaruh akhbar yang digunakan secara maksimum demi menjayakan matlamat perjuangan P ...

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Popular Vocabulary In Chinese Cyberspace

by Bok Check Meng

At the end of the 20th, with the popularity of the internet, popular vocabulary in Chinese cyberspace has emerged as the time required. It has become the focus of linguists’ research. The use of pop ...

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Preventable Accident: Nudging into Safety and Health

by Omar Mat Piah, Leow Chee Seng

Occupational safety and health play an important role in sustainability strategies for an organisation. “Preventable Accident” is a book that provides the fundamental concepts of occupa ...

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Prison Epistles

by Dr Andrew C S Koh

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