by Natasha Effyzal
Diari yang mengisahkan hidup Hani Idayu binti Hamdan yang sering menangis walaupun kerana hal yang kecil belaka.
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by Maslina Yusoff,Sweet Qismina
Mila tries to win her new friend's heart at school.
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by Khadijah Hashim
Pada suatu malam, hujan turun dengan lebat. Air hujan mula melimpah ke dalam kawasan rumah. Tuan rumah dan keluarganya bertungkus-lumus memindahkan barang-barang mereka ke tempat yang lebih tinggi.
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by Y.Y. Tan & .D. Gabb
Betsy the Bat is afraid of the dark. Her parents try to invite her to come outside with them, but she never wants to leave the house because of the dark. One day, Grandpa Bat visits her to tel ...
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by Y.Y. Tan & .D. Gabb
Elliot the Elephant has a short trunk. The other elephants don't want to be friends with him because he is different. This makes Elliot feel sad, but the other animals want to be his friends, so he ...
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by Y.Y. Tan & .D. Gabb
Gavin the Giraffe isn’t very tall for his age. In fact, Gavin is known as the only giraffe in the forest who can’t grow! One day, Barry the Bird tells Gavin that his mum is very sick, a ...
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by Y.Y. Tan & .D. Gabb
Sheldon the Squirrel always forgets where he buries his nuts! One day, Sheldon can't find even one of his acorns or groundnuts. He's very hungry but no one will share with him. Later, he notic ...
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by Mohaini Salim
Saiz badan Faizal tiba-tiba mengecil. Sejenis bakteria yang bernama Kokus memberitahu Faizal bahawa saiz badan Faizal telah berubah menjadi seperti saiz bakteria.
Bermulalah pengembaraan Faizal di a ...
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