Category : Available Titles

of 101 pages

7 Keajaiban Diet Rasulullah s.a.w.

by Muhd Hamiduddin bin Ahmad

Apabila berbicara tentang diet, perkataan pertama yang terbayang dalam pemikiran biasanya adalah kurus. Ada juga yang memahami maksud diet adalah sihat, bukan sekadar kurus. Hakikatnya, kedua-duanya a ...

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77 Tip Melembutkan Hati Lelaki

by Zamri Mohamad

Hati lelaki seperti besi. Betul kuncinya, terbukalah hati dan nampaklah segala isi. Kuncinya ada di sini. Di dalam buku ini.

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by How we should live in this world?

Words is very powerful that it could make a person feels up or down. with freedom of speech in today's world, choosing the right word is important to give a good motivation and not to make a person de ...

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99 Stress Free Wife

by Shaza Baharuddin

Lelaki dari planet Marikh. Perempuan dari planet Venus. Begitulah diibaratkan perbezaan yang ketara antara lelaki dengan perempuan. Allah SWT menjadikan lelaki dan perempuan berbeza fizikalnya. Ten ...

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A Chemical Engineer in the Palm Oil Milling Industry

by Hong Wai Onn

Palm oil is a big business. Palm oil has been widely used in food and non-food industries. More than half the products on sale in supermarkets are made with palm oil—yet many people hardly know anyt ...

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A Handbook on Medical Ethics and Law in Malaysia

by Zilfalil Alwi & Majdah Zawawi

A Handbook on Medical Ethics and Law in Malaysia is an essential read for medical students in particular and serves as a constant guide for medical doctors as well as healthcare professionals in gene ...

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by Tunku Halim

The new novel from the author of the bestselling collection HORROR STORIES. A child goes missing. On a hill stands a huge banyan tree. The story unfolds ... Kenny Leong, a university student, and his ...

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A Still, Small Voice

by Anna Tan

On her eighteenth birthday, Hono is to be crowned Queen of the City of Winter but the Dragon disrupts the coronation ceremony with a peculiar cry: Listen. Listen. Listen! There is one more task to fre ...

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Abang Sayang Adik Manis

by Ailah Diela

“Qaseh. You know what. The truth is you don’t need a boyfriend to be happy. But you need me. Your future husband. Trust me!” – Meor Bercinta dengan orang lain. Tapi berkahwin d ...

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by Dr. Andrew C S Koh

You can self publish:   Self publishing can be very daunting and complicated for the beginner who has no prior experience. This book is a beginner’s guide to self publishing. It will take ...

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of 101 pages