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by Vasudev
Publisher - Quantum Leap Consultancy PLT
Category - General Academics
Welcome to an evolutionary paradigm that supplies solutions not only to the problems faced at work today but life as well. This book is attempting to create a shift in all human beings. It will bring meaningful wisdom leading to greater happiness at personal level, and higher team work & team spirit with people that you are working with. It’s attempting to push you and your team to the next level of Intelligence. Can we work happily in a team that has poor teamwork and team spirit? Team work and team spirit are acknowledged globally as the foundation for organisational success. It creates the conduciveness for work happiness and reduces staff turnover. There is a sort of “life wire” that ignites team spirit and teamwork in a team besides coordinated skills and attitude of the team members. This book is attempting to reveal that special understanding. Hope the readers are sufficiently alert to discover it. It is simple but may look abstract for this complex mind; however, one can blissfully sense it upon effective contemplation. Start your CQ exploration today, absorb as much as possible and be not the same person anymore.